Happy Thanks Giving


Happy Thanks Giving
Happy Thanks Giving

Happy Thanks Giving

Is it Thanks Giving Day Or Turkey Day?
Happy Thanks Giving: Thanks, Giving Day is celebrated in the US on November 26, 2009. Dinner is one of the main features of the day. Of course, the main menu served in the dinner on that day is the roasted or baked Turkey and Cranberry sauce.
Thanks Giving wishes Turkey plays such a predominant role on the dining table during the dinner of the Happy Thanks Giving Day and so that day is even called as 'Turkey Day'.

Recognizing the important role of Turkey as a traditional Thanks Giving Bird, three towns in the US have even taken the name of the bird: Turkey in Texas, Turkey Creek in Louisiana and Turkey in North Carolina. Happy Thanks Giving

However, in the earliest Thanks, Giving Day celebrated in the year 1621 in the Plymouth colony, Turkey was not a menu in the dining table. Historians are not completely certain about the actual menu that adorned the dining table on that day. However, they are sure about two items on the menu and they were: venison and the wildfowl. Happy Thanks Giving

Happy Thanks Giving

But modern Thanks Giving Day dinner in the US entirely revolves around Turkey. Turkey being the chief menu on that day, they are sold like hot cakes on the eve of the day. Hence, selling turkey is a great business that has great marketing potential throughout the US. Happy Thanks Giving

The National Turkey Federation which is supervising the demand and supply of Turkey in the US has revealed quite interesting information about Turkey. Nearly 250 million Turkeys are raised in the year 2009 for slaughter whose worth is about $ 4.5 billion. Happy Thanks Giving

Happy Thanks Giving

Of them, nearly 46 million birds come to the dining table and consumed during the dinner of the Thanks Giving Day. In a survey conducted by the National Turkey Federation nearly 88 % of Americans eat Turkey at the Happy Thanks Giving Day dinner. The average weight of a Turkey bird that is purchased by an American is 15 pounds. 

Happy Thanks Giving quotes

To raise Turkey chicks, an artificial insemination method is being followed in the Turkey farms since there is no scope for natural copulation and fertilization among them. Happy Thanks Giving

Minnesota is the top Turkey producing state followed by the states like North Carolina, Arkansas, Missouri, Virginia, and California. Happy Thanks Giving
The Cranberry sauce is another notable menu on the dining table of the Happy Thanks Giving Day dinner. According to the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association, Cranberry is one of the fruits that are entirely native to the North American soil, the other two fruits being blueberry and the Concord grape. 

US farmers will produce 709 million pounds of Cranberries every year. The top producers of Cranberries are the States of Wisconsin and Massachusetts. Happy Thanks Giving
Both Turkey and Cranberry sauce forms the main menu and occupies a primary position in the dinner on the dining table during the Happy Thanks Giving Day celebration in the US, mainly because, they are entirely native to the Americans. 

Give Thanks and Grow Your Biz
Yesterday was Thanksgiving here in the U.S. I am thankful to have one of my best friends from Canada nearby in San Diego. We merged our families, along with some new friends, for a huge feast! We all had lots to be thankful for.

As I write this week's article I am reminded of how important it is to feel thankful on a daily basis. Read on for tips on how to incorporate this into your daily routine and why it's imperative for growing your business and living a happy life in general. Happy Thanks Giving
In order to attract the things we want in our life, it's important to align our energy with the energy of those things. Essentially, if we're feeling bad then we will attract more bad in our lives. The same works for the good. The better we feel, the more we will attract into the lives that make us feel good. 

A great way to change our vibration (how we're feeling) is to feel thankful for what we do have. And not just say we're thankful, but to actually take a few minutes and really feel thankful. By taking the time to feel thankful, we actually, in turn, raise our vibration. We can then attract more to be thankful for, aka what we are wanting for ourselves. Happy Thanks Giving

Think about how you can start incorporating feeling thankful each day into your routine. For me, it's walking our dog every morning on the local trail. I love starting my day this way. I always set the intention when I start out that I will feel thankful by the end of my walk. I always do. I always remember to think about what I'm thankful for that day. I finish my walk feeling blissful and peaceful.

Afterward, you can incorporate a visualization exercise. It's a great time to do this because you're already in a positive state. You can visualize what you are working on for yourself, whether it's a new client, doing fulfilling work or even something in your personal life like relocating. It's important again to not only picture it or say it in your mind but to actually feel it. Happy Thanks Giving What does it feel like to achieve or have those things? How would your life be different? What would you do? Get as specific as you can in order to truly invoke those feelings. It might feel strange at first, but stick with it and you will start to look forward to this time in your day. It also helps to do this at the same time every day in order to make it stick in your day-to-day routine. 

Today, I'm thankful for all of you and to have the opportunity to share and learn with you. Thank you for being a part of my life Happy Thanks Giving.

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